Pott’s Spine is a degenerative condition of the spine leading to the destruction of the intervertebral disc and vertebral body. Management of pott’s spine is multidisciplinary including an orthopaedic surgeon, general physician, physiotherapist and many more. Paraplegia is a common complication of pott’s spine which requires special attention.
In this case, the patient presented with loss of sensation and movement in the lower limb. The physiotherapy rehabilitation program was planned based on the clinical presentation of the patient. Sensory integration, Rood's protocol, and Electrical stimulation were the key aspects of management. 8 weeks of rehabilitation protocol was given and the effect of physiotherapy was seen in the case. Post 8 weeks’ significant improvement was seen in muscle tone and range of motion was imitated by the patient. Thus, physiotherapy significantly improves the muscle tone and quality of life of the patient suffering from paraplegia.
Keywords: - Rehabilitation, Case Report, Pott’s spine, tuberculosis.