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Aim: To determine the efficacy of aerobic & resistance exercise on type-II diabetes mellitus patients.

Method: Google Scholar, Pub Med, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SPORT Discus, LILACS, SCIELO, etc. were searched for the studies conducted between 2012 –2022. Literature reviews and randomized control trials were included that investigate the efficacy of aerobic & resistance exercise on type-II diabetes mellitus patients.

Result: A combination of aerobic and resistance exercises showed improved results in type II Diabetes Mellitus patients than aerobic and resistance exercises alone or no exercise at all.

Conclusion: The results from this systemic review led to the conclusion that when aerobic exercises are combined with resistance exercises or with standard physiotherapy treatment show better results in improving their physical function and decreasing the harmful effects of diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Aerobic exercise, Resistance exercise, Combination exercise, and Diabetes Mellitus

The Journal publishes original papers, current concepts, reviews and other articles relevant to physiotherapy with the aim to promote advances in research in the field of Physiotherapy. It also provides an opportunity for the expression of individual opinions on healthcare.The journal aims to promote research advances in the field of physiotherapy by publishing original papers, current concepts, reviews, and other relevant articles. In addition, it provides a platform for individuals to express their opinions on healthcare.

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