A thorough analysis of the research on the association amongst the commonness of musculoskeletal illnesses and keyboard usage revealed that among computer users, the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders associated with keyboard use is comparatively high. Students make extensive use of the computers. Professionals reported using computers for less hours per day than students, according to a poll. Furthermore, college students file more complaints about computer use than do professionals. The training's goalmouth was to determine how common neck pain was among computer science department students. All students gave written informed consent after being informed about the study. A survey named the “Neck Disability Index" was applied to gauge how uncomfortable the students were. Students received information about the questionnaire's statement and were encouraged to express any questions they had about any questions thatwere confusing. Participants were asked to read their answers to each question on the questionnaire. Participants guaranteed that the evidence they submitted would be reserved isolated and used solely for study. Individuals who expressed a willingness to participate in the study were included, while those who did notwere eliminated. To collect data, the Neck Disability Index examine was used. The neck infirmity index wasused in this investigation. Near remained 209 contributors in the existing study, of which 49% were females and 51% were male. The computer science department's student body had a higher frequency of neck pain. Additionally, it was discovered that using a computer during working hours was linked to neck pain.